Pedagogy & Curriculum

The syllabus is designed as per the guidelines of the NCF and NCERT. The CBSE curriculum is followed.


The school takes care of various learning styles by equipping its teachers in multiple intelligences to ensure that all students in the class are engaged. The curriculum caters to the individual as well as the class as a whole. Academic support is provided for students who need extra academic assistance. Areas of improvement are regular identified so that each child can progress at their own pace. The school has a well-trained faculty, employing best practices; using technology in education.  The school conducts the urge of purposeful inquiry in order to be well prepared for lifelong learning, so that students master a whole range of skills beyond subject specific skills.




A Phonics Based pre-primary curriculum is followed to ensure that the child gets the opportunity to learn, share and build their foundation of learning. All Pre Primary teachers are trained by Jolly Phonics (UK)



Through effective primary education, students at Beacon get a chance to develop their social, cognitive, cultural, emotional, and physical skills and enhance them to the best of their abilities. Hence, primary education is a pre-requisite for maintaining continuous development in a child. The Primary Curriculum emphasizes upon five essential elements forming the components of the written, taught and assessed curriculum. .



Our students are encouraged to be critical thinkers and independent learners.  We prepare students to be successful in school and to be active, lifelong learners. The school emphasizes on the development of the child as a whole, in all domains: affective, cognitive, creative and physical. We have specialized and dedicated Dance, Art and Music rooms which provide rich opportunities for self-expression. Teachers and parents work together in tandem for the progress of each child. Sports classes inculcate sportsmanship and teamwork.



Students gain the skills they will need for the rest of their academic careers through project based learning. Students are made aware of their community responsibilities, are encouraged to develop their research skills and become independent thinkers. Teachers and parents work together to in tandem for the progress of each child. Sports classes inculcate sportsmanship and teamwork. Students participate in a plethora of activities at the intra-school, inter-school, ZP and state level competitions.