Teachers Training Program

Teacher training enhances pedagogical skills, fosters professional development, and cultivates a supportive learning environment, benefiting both educators and students.

Capacity Building Program

Faculty Development- Health and Grooming

Faculty Development Training

Introductory Training is for teachers who are new to Beacon. It introduces teachers to the syllabuses and curriculum frameworks and enables them to teach our syllabuses with greater confidence. We strongly recommend this training to teachers who are new so that they can feel confident and are groomed to the existing culture.  (Every Saturday – In-house session)

-Story Telling

– Phonetics

– Elocution

– Discipline

– Classroom Management

– Spelling Activity

– Gender Sensitivity

– Art & Craft

Extension Training is for teachers who have some experience of teaching. The training in this area enables teachers to engage with our syllabuses and curriculum frameworks in greater depth and build confidence in their delivery. We recommend this training to teachers who have attended Introductory Training and/or have been teaching at Beacon for at least few months or one exam cycle. (3rd Saturday of the month – In-house session)

–          Phonetics

–          Reading Skills

–          Debate

–          Classroom Management

–          Gender Sensitivity

Enrichment Professional Development is for those who want to transform their approach to teaching. (Every Wednesday – In-house session)

–          Understanding by Design – Backward Thinking Process

–          Time Management

–          Gender Sensitivity

–          Johari Window

–          Subject Specific (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Mathematics & Science) – Trainings outside school.

Mandated training by the CBSE board for capacity building programs for all the teachers at least once every academic year.

–          Remodeled Structure of Assessment

–          Gender Sensitivity