Beacon High School Annual Report
There is a great saying, ‘Real education fetches you more than a job. It teaches you to live. It cannot be measured in any tangible way.’
This academic year we have strived and achieved beyond expectations the agreed upon objectives.
The custodians, administrators and teachers collectively put in their labors to help us remain a step ahead of the self-realized capacities.
Beacon High School is fortunate to have an illustrious educationist Mr. Rahul Arora as its motivator whose vision in the form of Beacon High School gave many young scholars a ground to sprout, grow and develop their resting minds. In his noble endeavor, he is supported by his equally competent wife, Mrs. Monica Arora.
Beacon High School is being headed by a very knowledgeable and experienced Principal Mrs. Vishakha Gupta and skilled teachers and support staff who truly make the school a second home for all.
This academic year began from April 2019 and has been till now a very happening and privileged year for the Institution.
Teacher achievement
Beacon High School has a band of dedicated, enthusiastic and well qualified teachers who strive hard to mold and make the students dreams and aspirations come true. Their contributions have been recognized time and again. (Details separately on website)
Teacher Enrichment Programs.
Staying abreast of new methodologies or techniques is the key to success in any field, especially in the dynamic field of education. The teachers constantly strive to stay updated, by attending workshops and various training programs. (Details separately on website)
Student Achievement
The talented students of Beacon High School are highly enthusiastic when it comes to extracurricular activities. Multiple events have been participated in by them and laurels have been brought for the institution (Details separately on website)
Academic Achievements
The students of Beacon High School have been nurtured and mentored in a fashion to capacitate them to remain a step forward in any competition they had been a part of. Subsequently they have won many such glories in various events.
Co-Curricular achievements
Student Enrichment program:
To ensure that, students are equipped to face any challenge student enrichment programs were held, such as
- Writing Workshop – In- house workshops were held to encourage and train students to be able to write articles and also become editors by resource persons by a well-known magazine publisher for children.
- Workshop on proper nutrition– A workshop was organized wherein a practicing nutritionist was engaged to talk to children about the right kind of food to be eaten.
The school calendar this year was marked with invigorating and colorful events.
- World Yoga Day – Since time immemorial the forefathers were always concerned about the holistic development of the body mind and soul. Thus they invented and practiced yoga. The Prime Minister’s initiative helped us to show to the world this aspect of the culture. Thus 21st July is celebrated as World Yoga Day and we at Beacon High School organized yoga sessions for the whole school. It was refreshing for all the students.
- Independence Day– It is always a proud moment for us when we unfurl the Tricolour and sing songs praising the motherland and remembering the supreme sacrifices laid down by hundreds of patriotic souls. We at Beacon High School celebrated the essence of freedom through a short program.
- Gurupurnima – In Sanskrit Guru means the one who dispels the darkness and takes you towards light. The first person who helps us take that first step towards learning is the guru. Beacon High School organized a special program to felicitate the gurus for their contribution to the lives.
- Janmashtami- The omnipresent took his mortal form on a special day which is celebrated as Janmashtami. All the children danced to the tunes of the songs dedicated to Lord Krishna.
- Lok Manya Tilak Jayanti – A special assembly was designed to pay homage to the great leader of the country, Louh Purush Lok Manya Tilak.
- Gandhi Jayanti – The ‘Father of the Nation’ holds a special significance in the lives. His birthday this year was celebrated in novel way at Beacon High School.
- Colours day – The eyes senses the vibrant world full of colors and the mind reacts with a plethora of emotions determined by the vision. The students of the preprimary section of Beacon High School dedicated few days to celebrate a colour and its significance in the lives.
- Diwali celebrations– Diwali is the most important festival in India and each part of the country celebrates it in its own traditional way. Students of Beacon High School celebrated Diwali this year by participating in a plethora of activities.
Social Awareness activities
Social awareness activities involve students to recognize other’s feelings and realize how and when to assist others. We learn to show respect to others and understand the responsibilities. We are encouraged to give back to the society for various noble causes, activities and support the needy.
Beacon High School believes in nurturing its students and empowering them to manage their responsibilities effectively to capacitate them to grow up to be worthy and progressive citizens of India.
Trips and study tours
The flatness of life is always broken by an occasional mound of smile. In the same way the monotony of school curriculum was broken by a sporadic jaunt in this academic year.
Programs for parents
Orientation program for parents ensure that parent are abreast with the latest that is happening in the school. A Parenting workshop was conducted to help the parent handle the day- to – day issues arising with the adolescent children.
A phonetics workshop was also conducted for parents to help them understand the teaching pattern in the preprimary.
Orientation program for parents
At the beginning of the session the parents were addressed about the school, rules and regulations and also other required information.
We thus had a very momentous academic year 2019-20, and now moving towards the trailing end the school has set pace for the exams.